Exercise and exercise questions

ExerciseNodes are special objects that have questions used for assessment.

In order to set the criteria for completing exercises, you must set exercise_data to a dict containing a mastery_model field based on the mastery models provided in le_utils.constants.exercises. If no data is provided, ricecooker will default to mastery at 3 of 5 correct. For example:

node = ExerciseNode(
        'mastery_model': exercises.M_OF_N,
        'randomize': True,
        'm': 3,
        'n': 5,

To add a question to your exercise, you must first create a question model from ricecooker.classes.questions. Your sushi chef is responsible for determining which question type to create. Here are the available question types:

  • SingleSelectQuestion: questions that only have one right answer (e.g. radio button questions)
  • MultipleSelectQuestion: questions that have multiple correct answers (e.g. check all that apply)
  • InputQuestion: questions that have text-based answers (e.g. fill in the blank)
  • PerseusQuestion: special question type for pre-formatted perseus questions

Each question class has the following attributes that can be set at initialization:

  • id (str): question’s unique id
  • question (str): question body, in plaintext or Markdown format; math expressions must be in Latex format, surrounded by $, e.g. $f(x) = 2^3$.
  • answers ([{‘answer’:str, ‘correct’:bool}]): answers to question, also in plaintext or Markdown
  • hints (str or [str]): optional hints on how to answer question, also in plaintext or Markdown

To set the correct answer(s) for MultipleSelectQuestions, you must provide a list of all of the possible choices as well as an array of the correct answers (all_answers [str]) and correct_answers [str] respectively).

question = MultipleSelectQuestion(
    question = "Select all prime numbers.",
    correct_answers = ["2", "3", "5"],
    all_answers = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"],

To set the correct answer(s) for SingleSelectQuestions, you must provide a list of all possible choices as well as the correct answer (all_answers [str] and correct_answer str respectively).

question = SingleSelectQuestion(
    question = "What is 2 x 3?",
    correct_answer = "6",
    all_answers = ["2", "3", "5", "6"],

To set the correct answer(s) for InputQuestions, you must provide an array of all of the accepted answers (answers [str]).

question = InputQuestion(
    question = "Name a factor of 10.",
    answers = ["1", "2", "5", "10"],

To add images to a question’s question, answers, or hints, format the image path with '![](path/to/some/file.png)' and ricecooker will parse them automatically.

Once you have created the appropriate question object, add it to an exercise object with exercise_node.add_question(question)