Supported content types


The AudioNode and AudioFile are used to store mp3 files.


The VideoNode and VideoFile are used to store videos.


The DocumentNode class supports two type of files:

  • Use the DocumentFile for .pdf documents
  • Use the EPubFile for .epub files


The most versatile and extensible option for importing content into Kolibri is to package the content as HTML5App nodes. The HTML5 content type on Kolibri, consists of a zip file with web content inside it. The Kolibri application serves the file index.html from the root of the zip folder inside an iframe. It is possible to package any web content in this manner: text, images, CSS, fonts, and JavaScript code. The iframe rendering the content in Kolibri is sandbox so no plugins are allowed (no swf/flash). In addition, it is expected that oh web resources are stored within the zip file, and referenced using relative paths. This is what enables Kolibri to used in offline settings.

Here are some samples:

  • Sample Vue.js App: Proof of concept of minimal webapp based on the vue.js framework. Note the shell script tweaks the output to make references relative paths.
  • Sample React App: Proof of concept of minimal webapp based on the React framework. Note the shell script tweaks required to make paths relative.


Kolibri exercises are based on the perseus exercise framework developed by Khan Academy. Perseus provides a free-form interface for questions based on various “widgets” buttons, draggables, expressions, etc. This is the native format for exercises on Kolibri. An exercise question item is represented as a giant json file, with the main question field stored as Markdown. Widgets are included in the “main” through a unique-Unicode character and then widget metadata is stored separately as part of the json data.

Exercises can be created programmatically or interactively using the perseus editor through the web: (try adding different widgets in the Question area and then click the JSON Mode checkbox to “view source” for the exercise.

You can then copy-paste the results as a .json file and import into Kolibri using ricecooker library (Python).


Kolibri Studio provides helper classes for creating single/multiple-select questions, and numeric input questions:

A simple multiple choice (single select) question can be created as follows:

    question = "What was the main idea in the passage you just read?",
    correct_answer = "The right answer",
    all_answers = ["The right answer", "Another option", "Nope, not this"]

Exercise activities allow student answers to be logged and enable progress reports for teachers and coaches. Exercises can also be used as part of individual assignments (playlist-like thing with a mix of content and exercises), group assignments, and exams.

Extending Kolibri

New content types and presentation modalities will become available and supported natively by future versions of Kolibri. The Kolibri software architecture is based around the plug-in system that is easy to extend. All currently supported content type renderers are based on this plug-in architecture. It might be possible to create a Kolibri plugin for rendering specific content in custom ways.